Empowering LLM-based Machine Translation with Cultural Awareness

Cultural Translation Errors


Traditional neural machine translation (NMT) systems often fail to translate sentences that contain culturally specific information. Most previous NMT methods have incorporated external cultural knowledge during training, which requires fine-tuning on low-frequency items specific to the culture. Recent in-context learning utilizes lightweight prompts to guide large language models (LLMs) to perform machine translation, however, whether such an approach works in terms of injecting culture awareness into machine translation remains unclear. To this end, we introduce a new data curation pipeline to construct a culturally relevant parallel corpus, enriched with annotations of cultural-specific entities. Additionally, we design simple but effective prompting strategies to assist this LLM-based translation. Extensive experiments show that our approaches can largely help incorporate cultural knowledge into LLM-based machine translation, outperforming traditional NMT systems in translating cultural-specific sentences.

Binwei Yao
Binwei Yao

My research interests include natural language processing, multi-modality interaction, machine translation and data management.