Hi, I’m a first-year PhD student advised by Prof. Junjie Hu at CS department of the Univeristy of Wisconsin-Madison. Previously, I was a visiting student at SALT lab, coadvised by Prof. Diyi Yang from Stanford Univeristy and Prof. Junjie Hu from the Univeristy of Wisconsin-Madison.
I received my B.Eng. degree from the Department of Software Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). During my undergraduate years, I worked as a research intern in X-LANCE Lab of SJTU, coadvised by Prof. Mengyue Wu, Prof. Lu Chen, and Prof. Kai Yu. Our work mainly focuses on the dialogue system for depression diagnosis.
I have broad research interests including natural language processing, multi-modality interaction and data management. More specially, I’m enthusiastic about research topics which have a positive impact on the society such as NLP for Social Good, and topics which try to integrate sociology and psychology to create more informative and empathetic machine learning models.
Additionally, I love coding and bringing cute applications to the world.
Download my CV.
B.Eng in Software Engineering, 2018-2022
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2023-
University of Wisconsin-Madison